Here’s a Rachel Wriggler video that’s the other way around to normal! Lots of chatting on the toilet whilst I’m getting ever more desperate for a wee during a party. Having a few drinks inside me I maybe got a little bit teary for a while when I think about what was going on two years ago and how much of an idiot I was to ignore red flags. Anywaaaaay, after a blimen awful year mentally, I am trying so hard to have a social life where I live and get involved in the local community. There’s a super special lad with autism who’s just won a massive award for his charitable efforts in raising thousands for local charities! So I went to show face at his party. So after telling you the goss, I strip butt arse naked to piss, but put my new-to-me waterproof phone down the loo with its mega awesome camera compared to my decade old iPhone. Haha.