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Dark Room VR: Personal Assistant with Benefits4K 35:54
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Personal Assistant with Benefits

Published: 18.12.2024 More info Hide How to watch VR Porn

Sharon White has been a dutiful personal assistant to her handsome boss for a number of years. She has attended to his every need in the office and watched quietly while he struggled through a messy divorce. After waiting so long, she was hoping he might begin to notice her for more than just her organizational skills and professional acumen. When her flirting in the office gets her nowhere, she decides to go for broke when they are on a business trip together. In this VR porn scene, she is alone with him and decides to tell him how much she wants him. He shocks her by telling her that he wants her as well, but only if she is willing to do everything he tells her to do. He wants to be her boss in the bedroom as well. Sharon is excited and agrees to his terms. He has wanted for years but held back. Not any longer. Tearing at her clothes, he exposes her cheeks and spanks her while she sucks on his cock. His hands are on her breasts, but his firm grasp and raging desire for her makes Shar

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