Эти деньги огромны, и вам трудно добраться, но для меня, это просто ковер для моих нежных ступней

Опубликовано: 03.08.2020 Подробнее Скрыть

Just look at your face! hahaha This money is enormous and hard to reach for you, but for Me, its just a carpet for My tender feet! You and other losers like you must line Me the way with the money which you earn so hard! Ohhh, look! And here is your pathetic cock! I love to walk and stomp on it too! And you bitch will jerk while I stand on your money and jump on your pathetic balls! Everything around should curl around My precious feet! They are beautiful! Divine fingers! Perfect toenails! I know how you will be happy for the chance to kiss the floor on which I walked and lay Me money lanes! So beg Me to let you do this, My little foot freak!

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