A abóbora mais pesada e esmagadora de ossos de Felicity

Publicado:22.07.2022 Mais informações Ocultar

As an adult, Felicity's lightest was 125 lbs. She has slowly gained over the years to where she is today. She's a LOT heavier now, putting on over 50 lbs. This hasn't phased her, though. She acts as if she's still 125 lbs and there's no risk of breaking Matt's bones or causing damage to his windpipe. Armed with only a pillow for his neck, you'll see Felicity at her heaviest throw every ounce of her sexy body around on Matt's chest and neck. The pillow was actually her idea. She wanted his head to lean back over it to "open up his neck more." You'll see her forward sit him, reverse sit him, and give some seriously scary drops right onto his neck. There's no mistaking Felicity's love for crushing Matt. The question is, how much more can he take? Something tells us that Felicity won't stop until she figures that out!