
公開済み:11.10.2024 もっと情報を表示 非表示

The bathtub, once majestic in its corner of the bathroom, now looked like a mere porcelain bowl at the giantess's feet. She towered over the room with her imposing bulk, her head almost touching the ceiling. Her eyes, as big as saucers, stared at the tub with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. I wondered what she was thinking. Maybe she remembered the days when she too could soak in the warm water, letting her worries slide away like soap bubbles. Or maybe she wondered what it would be like to take a bath in a tub so ridiculously small for her, with her knees sticking out and her feet resting on the floor. With a gentle smile, the giantess reached out and gently touched the edge of the tub. Her fingers, as big as sausages, seemed almost fragile at that moment as if she were afraid of breaking something. Then, with a sigh, she walked away, leaving the tub to its solitude.

📢 大幅値引き!🎉

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