
Přečtěte si více o FuckSlave Zhroucení

Tvůrce Pornohvězda

SPECIÁLNÍ NABÍDKA – 40% sleva na první měsíc!
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Přečtěte si více o FuckSlave

Tvůrce Pornohvězda



před 6 měsíci

I am submissive and masochistic. I don't play it, I love and live it. I thrive on total submission, unconditional surrender, obedient service, and suffering with devotion. I love it when my charms are played with, when I'm not allowed to have an orgasm, but I'm fucked and penetrated so hot that I do have an orgasm and then I'm punished for it... And the punishment gets harder every time. I love it when I'm humiliated and I have to do things that I don't really want to... But I like to go beyond myself because it's most important and most satisfying for me when my master is having fun during the session and I can give myself completely.



před 7 měsíci

Authentisches BDSM Amateur Paar. Mit Lust und Leidenschaft, überzeugt euch selber